A Discussion

= i have known too many men who think a slut is not the mate they desire, but they themselves feel they must have numerous experiences with women. without Temple prostitution, or prostitution as a necessary part of this mindset, how can it work, without creating prostitutes?

A♠ = You’re using faulty logic. You forget, most women want the same man (pre-selection is a powerful attractor). I’ll use you as an example. You and 3 of your friends slept with the same guy while 5 other men went without. This is why those men feel they must have numerous experiences: the more they get, the higher on the social status ladder they are. Plus, the more women a man has interested in him – the more he’ll keep getting (the rich get richer). Here’s a chart to support my point:


Note: the rate of unwed mothers grew rapidly and proportionally to women’s liberation. Since ALL women want the same 15% of men (and have the freedom to pursue them), the majority of women have to settle for being “pumped & dumped” because those highly desirable men have their “pick of the litter”. Remember – mating is not a 1 to 1 game. For every guy that sleeps with 5 girls, there’s are countless guys those same 5 girls won’t even consider, as you and your female friends proved.

Now, to answer the aversion to “sluts” you mention:

“The sexual double standard arises from the reality that getting sex is easy for women but hard for men. The reason studs are respected and sluts are derided is because being a stud requires skill, talent, and practice, while being a slut merely requires a pulse and a lack of impulse control. The unsung flip side of the double standard, however, is that female virgins are cherished whereas male virgins are ridiculed. A man who can’t get laid signals to the world that he is a loser, while a woman who resists spreading her legs for every scumbag who winks at her shows herself to be a sober, selective person. Because a female’s primary goal is getting the highest-quality man available to commit to her, women who cannot or will not stay in a relationship are poor sources of information on men. The male virgin and the female slut are mirror images of each other in terms of attractiveness to and knowledge of the opposite sex.”

You got me thinking further: This is also the reason the modern woman’s reticence to “slut shame” other women actually HURTS more women than it helps. It is simple supply and demand economics: If sex is made cheap and easily obtainable, then men will refuse to pay higher prices [read: commitment]. Once more, the chart referenced above supports My point. Ergo, if the majority of your sisterhood is promiscuous, there’s less of a reason for a man to commit to YOU. Now, you may or may not want commitment, yourself, but the anti-commitment position is certainly not the female norm and may not be the desire of any daughter[s] you may have. As proof, there are literally 1,000’s of blogs, dating sites, articles and books by women bemoaning “there are no good men left to marry”. As always, I prove my honesty with consistency: There are “no good men left” because the 15% ALL women want now have easy access to sex and the remainder are invisible (since they don’t meet women’s higher standards).

= I would like to ask, why do so many men aspire to be an Alpha male? No matter how high the rank of the male, in the end, it’s the female’s choice. Or it’s non-consensual. In which case, he still didn’t win. He stole the winner’s cup. Any woman, trying hard enough, can probably get any man. There are obviously exceptions. There are obvious biological implications that cannot be ignored or bypassed. But to (appear) to see females with multiple partner/relationship experiences as undesirable does not put a man in a desirable position, either. I imagine you must be aware of that fact.

A♠ = “I would like to ask, why do so many men aspire to be an Alpha male? No matter how high the rank of the male, in the end, it’s the female’s choice. Or it’s non-consensual. In which case, he still didn’t win. He stole the winner’s cup.” I’ll steer away from the uncomfortable discussion that non-consent often [and quickly] transforms itself into assiduous consent—as it seems to have done in your case—and answer thusly: I said women choose; I never said they had a choice. Hypergamy dictates they always go with man they perceive to have the highest value. Therefore, the most Alpha male [in her eyes] will be selected so a man simply needs to be such.

“But to (appear) to see females with multiple partner/relationship experiences as undesirable does not put a man in a desirable position, either. I imagine you must be aware of that fact.” Undesirable to whom? The very women he doesn’t want?

“Any woman, trying hard enough, can probably get any man.” Define “get”. Have sex with? Have his children? Yes, of course. Gain emotional commitment, financial support, interest beyond orgasm? Certainly not.

= The last: That would be the part where forebrain takes over from the brainstem. Intelligence would be the key to keeping the man. Not turning him on with her “smart” but using her “smart” to behave such hat she “keeps” him. You said yourself, it’s not too difficult. The method had been known since before the 1300’s, though I have a cute quote from about then. The second to last: Such wanting of virgins and the inexperienced may lead the male to feeling he has achieved a desirable mate, but it is highly unlikely he will have a satisfied and fulfilled wife, unless we go back to forebrain, and her choices to remain physically inexperienced were purposefully made and not forced upon her no born of a culture which promotes virginal wives. That road leads badly, as do all extremes.

A♠ = “You said yourself, it’s not too difficult” Correct. Neither is eating well, light exercise and choosing reading over television. But how many do any of those? It’s the simple things in life that are often the hardest to get people to do.

“Such wanting of virgins and the inexperienced may lead the male to feeling he has achieved a desirable mate, but it is highly unlikely he will have a satisfied and fulfilled wife,” How is that his concern? Happiness is dependent on the individual. And the consequences of the search for it fall on the seeker. And how can you say it’s “unlikely”? What evidence do you have to support that? I present a study that supports my stance:


From the study:

“The most salient finding from this analysis is that women whose intimate premarital relationships are limited to their husbands—either premarital sex alone or premarital cohabitation—do not experience an increased risk of divorce. It is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship who have an elevated risk of marital disruption. This effect is strongest for women who have multiple premarital coresidental unions.”

For the “tl;dr” crowd:


4 Responses to “A Discussion”

  1. […] Proof Oinomancy – A Discussion, 100 Words Of […]

  2. Excellent. If I may, the executive summary:

    1. All women, including sluts, want the top men. The top 15% of men sleep with most of the women, from the most innocent virgins to the nastiest sluts. Why? Because the top men and most of the women want it that way. Except the refusal of women to slut shame hurts all women, because it disincentivizes male commitment from the top men. Eighty-five percent of men are invisible to women.

    2. Most men want to be alpha because alpha attracts the women. Most women are good enough to fuck but not good enough to marry. Women hate this undeniable truth.

    3. If a woman is smart, she can get and keep a man. Most women either (a) are not smart; or (b) refuse to use their natural smarts to get and keep a man. A man wants a virgin for a wife because it serves his purposes, not hers (but what serves his purposes ultimately serves hers). Virgins are better wives because they are lower divorce risks.

    • I wish I could “like” this comment – but suffice it to say “bravo” – a classic that I will copy and keep.

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