“…and go about your fucking business!”





No one cares whom you fucked.


Even if they did, they probably wouldn’t believe you.


Not to mention, on the off chance they did, they’d judge you by how she looks now.


Not how she did when you took her.




Go ahead; lose yourself in it.


And, as the years go by, take note of how every woman is fatter, older, less pliable than the ones that preceded her.


Sure, you could relive past glories.


That is, if Alzheimer’s hasn’t robbed you of your memories.


Although, that might be more merciful than to realize your conquests grow increasingly meaningless, at best, or perceived as pathetic at worst.


My 58 year old roommate keeps trying to convince me (read: himself) how hot the women he gets are.


It’s fucking sad.




But, by all means, keep worrying about women.


And how to get them.


I mean, Adam pissed and moaned until he got one.


And look where he ended up.


Oh, you’ll be different, I’m sure.




I keep hearing “Iron sharpens iron”, ’round these parts.


Yeah, maybe that’s true.


But women are stones.


Their whole fucking purpose is to blunt your edge.


Although, you’ll be different, I’m sure.


Adam’s fate, and the fate of a million “alphas” before you, will be avoided because you read a few blogs between meals.


Yeah, tell yourself that.




I’ll be here, regardless.


Telling you to focus on your mission.


Reminding you to do something g☼ddamn productive with your time.


Pointing out that the only worthwhile women you’ll ever attract will be the one’s that find you as you pursue your life’s purpose.




Write a book.


Compose a song.


Build a house.


If a woman latches on to support your purpose:




If not:


Carry on.


It’s one less distraction.




Oh, on the off chance you feel like shouting:


“But muh genetic legacy!”


Children die long before most houses collapse.


Or good novels go unread.


Or quality songs go unsung.




Hey, back a losing horse.


Time is your fucking coin.


Spend it as you will.




Although, I remind you that women chase things that run from them.


So sprint toward your mission’s goal.


That way, you’ll likely claim victory on all fronts.





15 Responses to ““…and go about your fucking business!””

  1. […] “…and go about your fucking business!” […]

  2. One of my friends told me his number the other day. I never really asked or cared to; it simply felt like something of merit worth mentioning to him. ‘You are not your number.’ I told him. And in a matter of minutes, he realize what I meant.

    Women seem to be everyone’s favorite yardstick. Who knows why.

  3. Manly McBeeferton Says:

    “Time is your fucking coin. Spend it as you will.”
    Sharp, nearly brilliant, hits home. Well done, good post.

  4. YouSoWould Says:

    Can’t add anything to this, just to say great post.

    I met my current girlfriend when I’d had enough of chasing women and was focusing on my own goals instead. We’re still together, despite some rocky patches, and she’s the only girlfriend to date I’ve remained faithful to.

    Will it last the course? Who knows. But I’ll still be doing my thing, going where I’m going whatever happens.

  5. I find it hard to explain to people who think the way I do, how I came to my current line of thinking.

    “Because I wanted to get better with girls” sounds more pathetic and weak each time I say it (no matter what version I used).

    Now I’d say I found this place because I was looking for home, since I never belonged to one. I now realize I must build it, and likely every man must do the same.


  6. P.S. This post is the real reason why people say “the manosphere is dead”.

    It’s not cool to count notches on your bedpost anymore.

    But then – it was never really cool in the first place, was it?

  7. Thanks for the reminder. A timely and solid post

  8. […] Ignore the women, get to business. […]

  9. […] Ignore the women, get to business. […]

  10. Good stuff, Thanks for this, Ace.

    But nota bene, this:

    “No one cares whom you fucked.”

    applies to us, but it will never apply to women. Trust me, any ladies reading this: Your eventual husbands will – and should – care very much who fucked you.

  11. I have a fairly high N count because other things were more important, though for me those other things add to your smp value vs detract from it

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