“Hungry for love and it’s feeding time…“





I’ve responded – more than once – to my female critics that, for all of my criticisms leveled at women, I am easily one of the (if not the #1) most compassionate voices towards them in the ‘sphere.


In fact, I’ve even taken flak from men for being so.


Yet I stand my ground.




Understand, I see no point in making enemies where such need not be made.


My goal, in fact, has always been to bring both parties back into harmony (insofar as such is possible).


The reason for my attitude?


The benefits are palpable, being the largest factor.


The other only slightly smaller reason?


Since the Silent Generation in America (people born in the 1930s), men and women have been fed lies.


Sure, they were fewer and further between at the outset.


But, as time moved on, the trough was filled with increasing alacrity and quantity by a glut of deception.




What am I saying here?


That both men and women have been malnourished for decades.


Merely by different means.


Men have been starved.


While women have been given candy, cake, and all sorts of saccharine desserts.


Now, it may seem – at a brief glance – that women have been treated well.


Look again.


A child permitted nothing but ice cream and chocolate is not significantly healthier than one fed scraps and leftovers.


Both will end up deprived, ill and pushed that much closer to an early grave.


Only the symptoms of sickness will differ.




Atrophy versus obesity.


Vitamin deficiency versus diabetes.


Both unsated.


Both constantly craving that which is missing.


Both dying from want.


In short:


The cure isn’t to swap plates.


It’s to change, then balance, what’s on them.




6 Responses to ““Hungry for love and it’s feeding time…“”

  1. As always, I envy your gift of brevity, Ace.

  2. This should be utterly self-evident on a moment’s thought, but frequently is not.

    You cannot bring control and a positive direction if you don’t really understand the people you’re trying to rein in. At best, you’ll create other manifestations of the underlying condition that are a bit less damaging. But even that will tend to return to previous dysfunctions eventually, and if you don’t manage the *energy* as well as the symptoms – you’ll be in all kinds of hurt.

    Not least from enormous expenditure of energy bottling stuff up. Until the containment field glitches and breaks.

    True in business, personal life, society. You might still have to apply a tourniquet of sorts initially, but that isn’t a long-term solution.

    • Joe,

      “At best, you’ll create other manifestations of the underlying condition that are a bit less damaging. But even that will tend to return to previous dysfunctions eventually”

      Well said.

      I co-sign 100%.

      Especially since you qualified the statement with “at best”.

      Stay well,


  3. Great post. Never considered it from such a simple, yet evocative, angle.

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