“Steel needles kiss your pretty eyes…”



Once again, Sunshine Mary has a phenomenal post and accompanying dialogue:



And, again, the comments are as telling as – if not more than – the post, itself.

The one that grabbed me by the throat was from the hostess herself:




Of course Sunshine Mary is terrified of such a possibility.

For the very reasons I mentioned here:

“If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man…”

In short, she needs a man [not to mention men, in general] because of women’s deeply ingrained pragmatism.

Women have a million guidelines but never a single rule.

Everything spins upon utility.

She knows loyalty–unto–death is not a trait women display without tremendously compelling reasons.

If even then.



This is also why the preponderance of women, who are [not coincidentally] ignorant of the differences between male and female methods of communication, are inherently distrustful of “nice guys”.

They fear the kindness will evaporate once convenient.



Now, it would be easy to read this as an attack.

It would be an incorrect conclusion, however.

After all:

It was she that confessed she/a woman is a scorpion.

I’m merely drawing attention to the sting.







27 Responses to ““Steel needles kiss your pretty eyes…””

  1. I find that the best part of her blog is the comments, where hidden gems of truth are oft found and unearthed.

    • I partially agree.

      I think her posts stand very well on their own, too.

      But I appreciate the interplay between the two, most of all.

      • Some things I feel that I have authority to speak on, but many posts are simply my way of feeling around in the dark, trying to figure things out. That’s why I leave comments turned on even though it sometimes drives me nuts to have to manage the threads. I learn a lot from the conversations.

      • Yeah, I wasn’t trying to imply the posts were bad at all, I left out some kind of conditional adjective there.

      • No worries.

        I did not get the sense you did.

        I simply prefer over–communication on certain matters, as the internet does not permit tone, body language, inflection, etc which are important to human interaction.

  2. Wow, the accompanying music is Lemmy! I’m honored.

    Women have a million guidelines but never a single rule.


    This is also why the preponderance of women, who are not coincidentally ignorant of the differences between male and female methods of communication, are inherently distrustful of “nice guys”. They fear the kindness will evaporate once convenient.

    I had never considered that. Perhaps you are right.

    • You should be honored, SSM!

      He’s the best; hands down.

      Thank you for the compliment, as well.

      As far as “[I] may be right”, think/feel Truly, deeply and sincerely:

      How would you act were you to lose all attraction to HHG?

      Don’t answer me, please.

      Just answer yourself.

      With utmost honesty.

      Because that’s what’s most important.

  3. I love SSM. Sometimes the posts run a little long though. But that’s just her hamster writing. Lol.

    Love Motörhead by the way. I’m spending the weekend at Apocalypse Cometh’s place. I should have the post ready Tuesday. God damn was last night funny.

  4. “They fear the kindness will evaporate once convenient.”

    Perhaps you could explain that sentence a little more.

    Is it better to be inheritably unkind to women at first…then start showing kindness when they warm up?

    Or the women thinks that a man is only kind when things are going good? Then she thinks the first sign of struggle…he will go off the deep end?

    I supposed I am the lot now that tries to stay kind with people despite the situation, my emotions, or their emotions. I tell it like it is…but I don’t want to go the route of being angry or insulting. There is even something to the lot of getting enjoyment out of suffering or being in difficult situations as a man.

    It takes a lot to get to that point…but it is well worth it.

    • theshadowedknight Says:

      Everything is utility with women. They do as necessary to survive in a harsh world. Kindness is a means, not an end. Men can afford to be polite, and the violence inherent in us dictates this. Women do not have that at their disposal, unless by proxy. They use kindness more than show it. The fear is that kindness is just a ruse to bring her close, then once she is in hand, it will fade.

      They see a man’s calm and yet know of the power it conceals. How does a woman with no power desperately seeking it out understand the reasoning of the man who possesses power restraining it? A woman who has never wielded power of her own cannot comprehend the burdens it imposes on its bearers. Naturally, being helpless before this might, she is suspicious of ulterior motives. Woman is self focused, so she imputes to man what she would do if she had the power.

      The Shadowed Knight

      • “Woman is self focused, so she imputes to man what she would do if she had the power.”


        And women, being deeply pragmatic, assume that power will be used against them just as often as – if not more than – for them.

        Since they assume men are similarly minded.

    • “…’They fear the kindness will evaporate once convenient.’

      Perhaps you could explain that sentence a little more.

      Is it better to be [inherently] unkind to women at first…then start showing kindness when they warm up?”


      Go back in my archives and you’ll see I address this by suggesting men start off more “on the wrong foot” than the “right foot”.

      I believe my answers to the comments of others here address it, also.

      If that’s still insufficient, please let me know and I’ll do my best for you.

  5. “Everything spins on utility.”

    Truth. A truth in life that should never be far from any man’s thoughts if he plans to successfully navigate a fallen world. Utility can bridge incredible gaps between people. It can keep you alive in horrible circumstances, or get you tossed aside in times of plenty.

    “There is even something to the lot of getting enjoyment out of suffering or being in difficult situations as a man.” – earl

    Paul makes this point in the Bible. Another truth that’s easy to forget and hard to swallow.

    Personally I have to remind myself of these two things every day. Not to help myself get through the day or anything like that, but to see the world for what it is and act accordingly.

    • “Truth. A truth in life that should never be far from any man’s thoughts if he plans to successfully navigate a fallen world. Utility can bridge incredible gaps between people. It can keep you alive in horrible circumstances, or get you tossed aside in times of plenty.”

      As you say, America’s “time of plenty” caused women’s deeply ingrained pragmatism to cast all men aside.

      Need either of us say more?

  6. The Scorpion and the Frog

    A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
    scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
    frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion
    says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

    The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
    the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
    paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
    but has just enough time to gasp “Why?”

    Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…”

  7. The Lucky Lothario Says:

    I enjoy your ability to describe without judgement the nature of women and, in other posts, that of men as well. It is certainly a difficult skill to have mastered.

  8. Yep It's Me Says:

    “They fear the kindness will evaporate once convenient.”

    ^^^ This ^^^

    Conscience of it or not, this a reality. It’s like either the boss or the “perspective” new hire – what are they going to be like once actually in the office, all day, 5 days a week? And BTW, do the aloof types continue to be aloof in an LTR?

    Short term, we can fool people, we can present ourselves “how we choose” – we are all actors for a while. But in most cases, it’s not sustainable, because in many cases, once we get comfortable with someone, we will revert/or reveal ourselves – the person that is truer to our nature.

    Everyone, both men and women, should always have a skeptical side to the mating dance – knowledge is great, research provides us with a level statistical probability, but we once the dance is up close and personal, all that gets thrown of because the WE is not necessarily ME.

    • …what are they going to be like once actually in the office, all day, 5 days a week?

      Go back in my archives and you’ll see I address this by suggesting men start off more “on the wrong foot” than the “right foot”.

  9. […] fear the kindness will evaporate once […]

  10. You write concise and punchy posts that have choice quotes from Motörhead. Well done, sir.

    And yes, the fears about the NiceGuy’s kindness going away once in her pants are true. As many have noted before, when men grow up hearing over and over again about how women want a nice guy, they think that that’s what will get them a relationship. The problem is that said guys have no idea of how to act once the relationship begins–all they know is how to get over the mountain, so to speak, but not what to do on the other side. Their lack of knowledge translates into sex dependency. It’s all sex-drama-makeup sex-repeat.

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