“I have all the time in the world – to make you mine…”




In chess tournaments, competitors use what’s called a “chess clock”.

The reasons and effects are many, as told here:


[Reprinted and attributed for convenience]


“Using a clock provides certain advantages over untimed games. Time management is one. You have to use your time wisely looking for the best moves in a certain time frame. Another big advantage is with a chess clock, large tournaments are possible. With chess clocks you can know for certain when 100 different games in one single tournament will end, and with enough time for a break in between games.

As for why there are two “clocks”, there are two time displays, each keeping track of the time for each player. In regular chess clock time constraints, the time on the clock is how much time a person has for the entire game. If they run out of time on their clock, they automatically lose. Time is only deducted from the clock on that person’s turn.

If you use a clock while you are playing, you can get better at chess, because it forces you to think within in a timely manner with consequences if you don’t. Also it is very fair, because the other person your playing against will have the same time on their clock as you do yours.”

– Kevlar100



Let’s frame the above in terms of our Game, shall we?

However, let us address it backwards.



See, women want men to think the time alloted to both players is the same.

Now, everyone knows [at some level; consciously or unconsciously], it is most certainly not.

But that wouldn’t be a “very fair” playing-field.

Thus, women use pressure to commit, time constraints, flake-outs, et al, to convince men to “take it while they can get it”.

In short, they rush a man’s hand.

By making him think he’ll lose everything should he play a longer, more considered game, she robs him of his greatest advantages.



Yet, if a man comes to realize – and internalize – he has much more time on his clock than she on hers:

He can plan with greater certainty.

He can consider far more options than she.

He can maximize the strengths of his pieces by carefully familiarizing himself with the unique properties of each.

While exploiting the weaknesses of hers.

Most of all, he can be more at ease and relaxed should a loss be suffered.

He can, to a point, afford to be aloof.



See, in our Game:

The timepiece “provides certain advantages over untimed games”, most assuredly.

But the real secret isn’t simply the knowing best strategy.

Or even just knowing your opponent.

It’s knowing how to play the clock.


Master all three:

And every Game is yours.







14 Responses to ““I have all the time in the world – to make you mine…””

  1. Bryce Laliberte Says:

    Isn’t it just nature to pit our greatest hopes (contemplative love) against our greatest fears (contemplative hatred)?

    There comes a point when one realizes there is no benefit to playing, but when is that point?

    • Bryce,

      I’ll agree that it is “nature” that does such a thing.

      However, I also believe humans have a deep-seated need to be loved, on some level to some degree.

      Now, what form that love must take varies according to the recipient.

      But the need exists – and it exists to a greater extent than simply a desire to not be hated.

      To your second point:

      There is always a benefit to playing.

      The question really is – according to the player [as always] – when the cost outweighs such.

      For men, that point should arrive inversely proportional to the strength and progress of his mission.

      By which I mean – the further and more assiduously he proceeds in his mission, the fewer costs he should tolerate.

      I do hope that answers your questions.

      • Ace … the first point you make “humans have a deep-seated need to be loved” … this become one of those ebb-n-flow things in a person’s life. There are times, when being loved by someone else is much less important [or feels less important], and then there are times when all you want to be is loved, cherished, understood, listened to.

        Those are times when you have to evaluate “why” … I struggle with that one. Of course, you replied around “mission” – and that got me thinking about the relationship between knowing what your mission is and being confused by it all. In fact, I believe right now, I’m in the middle of one of a “crisis of conscience” moments in my life – wondering what my mission really is going forward – because without it, I’m like a log floating down the river.

        I like this one from David Deida in Way of the Superior Man …
        “Your mission is your priority. Unless you know your mission and have aligned your life to it, your core will feel empty. Your presence in the world will be weakened, as will your presence with your intimate partner.”

  2. Man you knocked it out of the park with this one. I’m seeing this more clearly lately, especially “he can, to a point, afford to be aloof.” I see it in every interaction I have, and I see it when I weigh my options in a situation. I also see it, when I talk to myself.

  3. Another thing that men can consider….

    We can play more than one timed game at once. And if we play right, we only need to win one game.

  4. Take it while I can get it…I’ve fallen victim to this mindset.

    But recent events have shown me that the threat of leaving it forces their hand. All men have that veto clause but most are shamed out of it because that doesn’t make them a “real man” to a gender that apparently knows what a real man is.

  5. lauratheringmistress Says:

    Interesting image. It certainly provides food for thought from the other side since there is a priority to making a good choice early for females.

    Must the model be antagonistic though, when the net result should be cooperative?

    • Laura,

      “Must the model be antagonistic though, when the net result should be cooperative?”

      I agree completely with the spirit of your words.

      However, the past 70 years has shown us cooperation results only in men giving and women taking.

      I Truly, honestly wish I could say otherwise.

  6. Women want men who have time on the clock.

    Men who improve themselves add time to their clock. Men who don’t find themselves with less and less time.

    Women’s clocks are static – meaning they cannot be enhanced a little or ruined indefinitely. And the worst aspects of their personality come out when they play as if they have all the time in the world (young) and when they play as if they don’t (about to hit the wall, and right after the wall hits).

    Perhaps the same for men, in the opposite order.


  7. […] “And I have all the time in the world – to make you mine…” (Depeche Mode – It’s No Good) […]

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