“If I can’t swim after 40 days…”





There’s a concept that’s gained some traction in the ‘sphere over the past year or so.


That idea being:


“Women ruin everything.”


Now, that statement is worse than a lie.


It’s a half-Truth.




See, what gets forgotten is that women are keepers of the mean (standard; average).¹


This, like so many human qualities – both male and female – is a double-edged sword.


Since women have been given, more or less, a “can do no wrong” status by modernity, this quality has manifested negatively.


As there are far more average people than exceptional, its expression manifests as a dragging down of the Truly meritorious. 


Everything from lowering educational standards to fat acceptance is embraced to bring everyone to the center.


Often kicking and screaming.


What gets forgotten, however, is that women also tirelessly endeavor to lift people up.




See, when the West was prosperous, men engaged in work and business.


While women, once their families had grown, entered charitable organizations.


In fact, this was much of the cause of Western prosperity, rather than it’s downfall.


Things only collapsed when each gender was placed where it acts most negatively.


Men given more free time (which men utilize selfishly).


Women given more production-oriented work (which women utilize selfishly).




In the end, there’s no need to change what we are.


Merely, how we ask others and ourselves to be put to use.









¹ = This is why there are no actual female “nerds” or “cool chicks”.


Because said labels are for those outside the average.



And women can’t be outside the average because they define it.



11 Responses to ““If I can’t swim after 40 days…””

  1. […] “If I can’t swim after 40 days…” […]

  2. Every expectation lifted off a woman is another step towards a lower mean.

    What expectations? Women were expected to:

    1) Be chaste until marriage
    2) Eat healthy and feed their families healthy food
    3) Act with grace and compassion around and towards others
    4) To serve others
    5) Accept man as her master
    6) Accept her place in society (kitchen, hearth, home)

    And so forth and so on.

    Men in turn were also expected to act certain ways, and women expected the same.

    These expectations of either sex were mutually reinforcing.

    Now there are no expectations of women and more (and sometimes contradicting) expectations of men.


  3. superslaviswife Says:

    The Victorian standard for female life fits into a woman’s biological life and is also my basis for the safest “have it all” attempts women can make.

    Nobody can quite have it all. But if a woman wants to try her hand at everything, her best bet is to stay chaste and date and travel and learn whilst she is young, to marry once she finds someone suitable (preferably before 25, in her optimum fertile years), to keep the home and have however many children she wants, and to choose what she wants to do work-wise once she is hitting the menopause and the kids have flown the nest. She may go into charitable work, the couple may choose to adopt and keep her as a mother or she may choose to retrain and start playing careers for a decade or so. They won’t have the full pleasures of hedonism until age 35-40, a large and happy “Darling Buds of May” family and a busy career-woman life. But they can have casual, non-damaging fun in their teens, a family through their twenties and thirties and a career through their fifties and sixties. Which also matches our biological cycles: fertile but weak-minded youth, fertile peak and maximum nurturing potential, and menopausal matronliness and stability.

    Dedicating 14-35 to hedonism and 25-60 to work isn’t “having it all”. Neither is dedicating 14-60 to work and having a family on the side, nor dedicating 14-30 to family and 30-60 to hedonism. The closest a woman can come is to dedicate 14-20/25 to cleaner sorts of fun and education, 20/25-40 to family, 40-50 to education, work and family and 50-60 to work before retirement.

  4. […] are keepers of the average. Related: Woman, the degraded aristocrat. Related: An explanation of […]

  5. Somehow I missed this before Ace. Not sure why your posts aren’t showing up.

    Interesting thoughts here. I’m not sure I really agree with this part though:

    Men given more free time (which men utilize selfishly).

    Women given more production-oriented work (which women utilize selfishly).

  6. […] wrote something related a little while […]

  7. Women did, in fact, opt for education and/or career before this modern women’s liberation movement began. However, being unmarried, or a spinster, usually went hand-in-hand with education/career and was almost always a deliberate choice. The woman might choose spinsterhood because she suffered from health too poor for marriage and childbirth, was unattractive, was repelled by marriage, or simply was more eager for education/career than marriage.

    Regardless of the reason, further education and/or a career was considered to be a choice that precluded marriage and therefore children, for the obvious reason that it was impossible to devote the proper amount of attention to both.

    A woman working outside of the home tended to indicate one of two extremes:

    Either a family so impoverished, with a husband absent, dead, ill or unwilling to provide for his family (all of which were reasons to pity/ostracize the family) that the mother HAD to work…
    Or a family so wealthy that the husband could provide a housekeeper, governess, nanny, maids, butler, chauffeur- a virtual army of servants to replace the mother and the mother’s keeping of the house.

    This was less than 100 years ago. Perhaps those extremes might go a little way towards explaining how hard it is for our society to accept working mothers with school-aged (or younger) children; even outside the fact of how poorly it’s working out in practice.

  8. […] “If I can’t swim after 40 days…” (Jars of Clay – Flood) […]

  9. […] “If I can’t swim after 40 days…” (Jars of Clay – Flood) […]

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