“I can hardly hear you say ‘What should I do?’; Well, you choose…”



In my prior post, I mentioned that I disagree with the ‘sphere approximately 10-30% of the time.

I’ll give my True readers an example.

If they promise to grab a drink, buckle up and get ready for a ride they’ll likely have to take more than once.




One of the main things I believe, contrary to the ‘sphere is:

“Just be yourself” is fantastic advice.

Everyone from the ancient Greeks to Sun Tzu advocated “knowing thyself” to achieve victory.

See, the problem isn’t the advice.

It’s the listener.



People hear that and think:

“Oh, so I’ll just keep on doing what I’m doing.”

What I’m telling you is, very probably, that’s not being yourself.

If you’re under the age of 70, you grew up with television, teachers and a million other influences that all combined to make the mess you currently are.

I’m saying that you, very likely, have no fucking clue who you are.



Instead, you rely on external sources to validate, guide, confine and define you.

You hide in video games and fashion magazines and reality TV and social circles.

All of which tell you who to be.



Are you really a drug addict?

Or are you running from a trauma?

Are you really fat?

Or have you just given up/continued bad habits you picked up in your youth?

If a woman with curly hair sees another woman, then sighs:

“I wish I had beautiful, long straight hair like that.”

Is she being herself by keeping her curls?

Or is she letting genetics tell her who she is?



Sure, there are some things we can never change about ourselves.

But you’d be amazed at how few they are.

I hate Louie CK but he nailed it when he said:

“Everything is amazing and nobody’s happy.”

You’re lucky enough to live in a era when information and technology can permit you to be exactly who you are to the core of your soul.




Yet, everything is telling you to be what they want you to be.

So stop listening to the internet, the television, society and – most of all – your parents.

Instead, sit down with a piece of paper and a pen.

Describe the person you feel you are.

Warts and all.

Then look in the mirror.

Then look around your abode.

Then start getting rid of shit, inside and out, that doesn’t match the page.





There’s a part of the Bible wherein a thief hanging on a cross next to Christ rebukes the other condemned with them.


The rebuking thief owns his flaws, owns his punishment but refuses to be worse than he is at his core.

If you follow my words and his example here:

You’ll be closer to Paradise than you’ve ever been.


37 Responses to ““I can hardly hear you say ‘What should I do?’; Well, you choose…””

  1. Why do you hate Louis CK?

    • He sees the prison bars, far more clearly than most.

      Yet, he does nothing but advocate imprisonment.

      • Vicomte Says:

        I remember thinking CK was incredibly insightful for someone so pathetic. I still don’t get it.

      • My sentiment exactly.

        My problem isn’t that he’s so pathetic.

        It’s that he is such while realizing all the things that are wrong.

        And doing nothing but rolling over in submission.

    • Louie CK needs a fight club.

      Here I see a great talent…and he’s squandering it all away.

  2. Vicomte Says:

    There’s nothing I hate to see more than ‘convert’s fervor’ in the ‘sphere. Too many trade one dogma for another, not seeming to realize that they’re making the same mistake twice.

    I can say that whenever I try to be myself, something always seems to go to hell just before I get there. I’m not certain what that indicates.

    • “I can say that whenever I try to be myself, something always seems to go to hell just before I get there. I’m not certain what that indicates.”

      I understand completely.

      More, in fact, than you’d ever guess.

      I’d tell you why things go that way for you.

      But you’d never believe me.

      Not at this point in your life, at least.

      Regardless, I Truly do wish you the best of luck in staying the course.

      • Vicomte Says:

        I genuinely appreciate the sentiment, Ace.

        While simultaneously cursing you for squandering your secrets.

      • You’re quite welcome.

        I don’t keep things from you to hurt you.

        I keep them from you because, at this point in time, I think you’d just laugh them off or disregard them as nonsense from some digital, nonentity.

        In fact, that’s the whole reason for my cryptic style.

        If a reader is ready, they’ll get it.

        If not, they won’t.

        But they’ll remember it, and return when they are.

        I’ve been doing this for more than a decade.

        I’ve seen it happen.

        And it will continue.

        This is MY mission.

        While I don’t take myself too seriously.

        I take my work deadly so.

  3. “The rebuking thief owns his flaws, owns his punishment but refuses to be worse than he is at his core.”

    That’s a good point…everyone has flaws (sins) and a punishment that will be coming (death) so you might as well own up to them and accept it. Then others can’t get to you, death can’t get to you, fear can’t get to you, and you truly are in paradise.

    • As usual, Earl:

      You got it.

      • Is this why pre-empting insults people hurl your way defeats them so thoroughly?

        You: “I’m a fat fuck/I’m a conflict avoidant little bitch”

        Peanut gallery: “Hey! I was gonna say that…*mindfuck*”

        Takes the sting out of the barb, and more…it seems.


  4. The Lucky Lothario Says:

    This is a great post.

    I’ve become curious recently about report of people using psychedelics to bring a lot of repressed stuff to the surface, effectively so they have to face exactly who they are, and apparently it leads to quite dramatic increases in personal/spiritual development. (Particularly Rick Doblin’s work with MAPS). Effectively it is self-critical analysis in hyper-drive, and potential ego death, and people seem to come out a lot more grounded provided they have the strength to allow it to happen rather than fight it.

    There’s a lot to be said for the natural route of self-discovery and it’s probably one of the most important journeys that any man undertakes. And in a way what many of the writers in this corner of the internet are dedicated to. Since you seem much further down this road than many (although I’m sure you’ll disagree), I was wondering if there was a specific event, psychedelic or not, that helped push you down the road?

    • One way I’ve found as a Catholic is confession. It’s free and just like therapy.

      The genius of it is that you own up to the sins you commit…so that they don’t own you. It’s like ripping the frame from the devil.

      • The Lucky Lothario Says:

        That sort of confession is definitely powerful. I’d say for me it’s no so much owning up to another person or to God but to yourself. The confession is the medium through which you expose your unconscious (or suppressed) failings to your forefront of your mind, ready to start work on fixing them.

      • “The genius of it is that you own up to the sins you commit…so that they don’t own you. It’s like ripping the frame from the devil.”

        Very well put.

    • “This is a great post.”

      Many thanks.

      “Since you seem much further down this road than many (although I’m sure you’ll disagree), I was wondering if there was a specific event, psychedelic or not, that helped push you down the road?”

      It’s funny you say that.

      I was once told by a woman that experimented a great deal with various psychedelics:

      “You don’t need [psychedelics].

      How you see the world every day, is how most people see things on them.”

      It’s why I drink, actually.

      Calms the countless visions, as it were.

      Though, to answer your question in a more useful way to most men:



      Not to the State or women or even other men.

      But to Truth.

      I’m a Roman Catholic, therefore, I’m commanded to be “Christ-like”.

      I follow His self-description and emulate it to the best of my ability:

      “33 So Pilate went back into the governor’s residence, summoned Jesus, and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” 34 Jesus replied, “Are you saying this on your own initiative, or have others said it to you about me?” 35 Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own people and your chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?” 36 Jesus replied, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my servants would fight to prevent me being handed over to the Jewish authorities. But now my kingdom is not from here.” 37 Then Pilate said, “So you are a king!” Jesus replied, “You say that I am a king. I have been born and have come into the world for this reason—to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” 38 Pilate asked, “What is truth?”

      – John 18:33-38

      • Vicomte Says:

        I was once told by a woman that experimented a great deal with various psychedelics:

        ‘Shoulder pads!

        Shoulder pads!’

        The affable man seated next to her informed her that I was not wearing shoulder pads, and that the aforementioned were simply the natural shape of my shoulders.

        Perhaps I should have read more into her statements.

    • Psychedelics are amazing things.

      I heartily recommend a mushroom experience at least once or twice a year.

      I have seen an overweight guy who never minded being fat look in a mirror and say….holy crap, why would any woman ever want me? Look at me? He is now a hell of a ju jitsu fighter and my personal bodyguard.

      I have seen a woman so full of herself you wouldn’t believe it…..see herself through the eyes of everyone around her and cry for hours, then become the most humble, sensible woman ever. She is my girlfriend.

      I’ve seen things you would not believe. Atheists becoming devout Christians.

      I just recommend trying mushrooms. Not lsd or anything else, natural mushrooms. Life changing and eye opening.

      • The Lucky Lothario Says:

        Thank you for your reply.

        I’ve heard edible marijuana can be a pretty powerful pysch and would be the most easily accessible to me. Although I may ask around about mushrooms. Do you know of any resources to advise on the best way to get the most out of the experience? Since, I’d be more interested in their use as a tool for spiritual/personal development than just for pure recreation. I hear the experience can be fairly uncomfortable (as any facing of harsh truths is).

      • No one with half a brain uses them for recreation, because it’s not really “fun.”
        My advice would be in a dimly lit room with some instrumental music, no lyrics. If there’s someone you feel comfortable enough with to invite, do so. But not if they are overly talkative because they will ruin it.

        Uncomfortable? I’ve seen a guy clutching a pillow crying and screaming “I want off this ride.” Yeah, uncomfortable. I generally go comatose and think deeply about life and the world.

        I grow them. They can also be found in cow pastures a day or two after a good rain.

      • The Lucky Lothario Says:

        And any advice on the length of time I should block out? Both for the trip itself and the recovery.

  5. ilso believe in “just being yourself”. it’s when you “be yourself” to the extent that you comprimise your morals and ideal to placate someone….

    no bueno.

  6. […] tasks are without merit (and there are merits to this one), there is a much higher calling in being honest with ourselves. This is because in this case the two are exclusive of each other. You cannot believe you will one […]

  7. […] Be who you are is good advice, if you know who you are. […]

  8. What an outstanding piece. I couldn’t agree more with the best part of it: if you’re under 70…you likely have no fucking idea.

    This is so very true.

  9. Ive spent the past hour or so here reading through your blog, and its morbidly fascinating how close your writing style resembles mine during a certain phase. Not this post, but the more abstract ones.

    And thanks, this one just made my day.

  10. Re-reading the comments as well as the posts.

    You know your craft, well, Ace.


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  13. […] Additionally, it’s why I am a serious proponent of ► being yourself ◄. […]

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